A well-written DJ biography could be the difference between whether you’re in front of the decks as a clubber, or behind the decks ruling the night with your tune selection. In this article I am going to look at a few hints and tips on how you can write an effective DJ bio rather than one that resembles a steaming pile of shit.
Knowing how to write a DJ bio is essential, as your biography is one of the most important, but most neglected parts of your marketing strategy. You might not be big enough to have you agent, but that shouldn’t stop you presenting yourself in the most compelling and professional light possible – which in turn, should lead to increased gig opportunities.
For bedroom DJs, a well-written DJ bio can be a reference point you can send to promotors and agents, but just like a bad mix, a badly written bio can damage your reputation also. As examples, there are countless articles online about poorly written, or just downright hilarious DJ bios and profiles, including this news article about the world’s worst ever DJ bio.
The crucial aspect to any DJ bio is that it should be seen as a marketing tool. After all, you are a product or service so go sell yourself. But, a word of caution. You don’t want to embellish it or end up sounding like a dick… which is where these tips on writing an awesome DJ bio should help.
If you don’t want to get laughed out of town then read on for some tips which I hope will mean you get the gigs your talent deserves.
Keep Things Simple
Promotors don’t have time to read reams and reams of information. They want to make sure that you know your music and will deliver the goods. Focus on the music, don’t write your life story – nobody gives a shit if you were the local area champion for swimming the 100 metres when you were twelve.
Stick to just a few facts about what you’re up to, your music style, passion, and skills. Then let your mixes which you host online do the rest.
Avoid Long Paragraphs
When people read digital content on the web, they don’t read the same as they would do when reading paper-based media. Weird, but true.
Use concise short paragraphs, and bullet points where necessary which highlight the key facts in your DJ career, and your unique selling points (USPs). This should mean you don’t bore the person reading the bio to tears. Keep it short and to the point.
Avoid Well Worn Clichés
The DJ world is full of clichés, and the biography is no different. Avoid words such as “banging”, or “killed it” as you will just sound like a parody of DJ from a comedy movie.
Other common DJ clichés include things like “I grew up listening to my parent’s music collection” (news flash: so did every other kid), or “classically trained musician” (who gives a shit if you played the piano at five?).
Possibly the most over-used DJ cliché I see on badly-written DJ bios is where the DJ states that they “shared the stage with [insert famous DJ name]” – hmmm…. Ok so you might have been a warm-up DJ at an event or even played in room 2. Again, nobody cares.
Please, No Sob Stories
If you want to do a sob story or emotional back story then apply for American Idol or the X-Factor. That stuff goes down well there, but when it comes to DJ bios perhaps not so much.
We’ve all had challenging times in our lives, and our backgrounds make us what we are. But when it comes to writing a DJ bio keep it professional. Just because you’ve had a tough life, it won’t make your music or mixing any better.
Loads of rival DJ bios are going to have some statement along the lines of “I started at the very bottom, but still managed to get where I am today” – make yourself different and leave this garbage out of your bio.
Regularly Update Your DJ Bio
You’ve already seen a DJ bio like this, I can guarantee it. One that has a line it something like “2009 is shaping up to be another amazing year for DJ X” – yep, possibly it was 8 years ago.
Nothing screams “I can’t be bothered” more than a DJ bio or profile with out of date information in it, so perhaps try to avoid using years and dates in the text if you want to seem current.
Spell Check Your Content
I am sure someone will pick me up on some poor grammar and incorrect spellings on this website – yep, it happens, a lot. But one place this should never happen is on your DJ bio.
If you can’t be bothered to spell check your own DJ biography then it doesn’t really say much for your attention to detail or professionalism which are two of the main cornerstones of any successful DJ career.
Before you publish your DJ biography get a few people to read it over for you.
End on a Clear Call to Action
Your DJ bio should be seen as a sales tool. The best sales letters and adverts end with a call to action, such as “buy this now”, or “click here to book” – so why should a DJ bio be any different?
End the biography with a clear call to action, which has been backed up in the rest of the bio with the features and benefits you bring to a gig. Calls to action can includes aspects such as “call now to enquires about available dates”, or “click here to listen to my latest DJ mix”, or even just your website address or contact details – after all, you want them to book you.
Have you found this guide on how to write a DJ bio useful? Want to know more about DJ Marketing? Read my Ultimate Guide to DJ Promotion. The guide includes advice on how you can build up your brand including designing a logo, marketing materials, and more. It also has tips on advertising, promotion, networking, and building relationships to help accelerate your DJ career.